
イスラエル・University of HaifaのShira Zelber-Sagi氏らは、赤肉の摂取が非アルコール性脂肪性肝疾患(NAFLD)と関連し、赤肉を高熱で調理したときに生じる複素環式アミン(HCA)がインスリン抵抗性と関連すると、J Hepatol に報告した。赤肉摂取による2型糖尿病や心血管疾患との関連は報告されているが、NAFLDとの関連についてはこれまで示されていなかった。



 2013~15年に、同国の単一の医療機関で大腸内視鏡検査を受けた40~70歳の男女を対象に横断的な調査を行った。 NAFLD、インスリン抵抗性の評価法には、超音波検査およびインスリン抵抗性指数(HOMA-IR)を用いた。また肉の摂取と調理方法は、食物摂取頻度調査票(FFQ)で評価した。なお健康障害に影響する調理方法として、肉の焼き加減を表すウェルダンまたはベリーウェルダンと定義し、それらに伴うHCA摂取量を算出した。



 検討の結果、NAFLDおよびインスリン抵抗性に対する赤肉の高摂取のオッズ比(OR)は、それぞれ1.49(95%CI 1.05~2.13、P=0.028)、 1.63(同 1.12~2.37、P=0.011)で、いずれも有意な関連が見られた。さらに赤肉および赤肉の加工肉の高摂取は、BMI、身体活動、喫煙、アルコール摂取、エネルギー、飽和脂肪およびコレステロール摂取で調整後もNAFLDおよびインスリン抵抗性の独立した危険因子であることが示された(OR 1.47、95%CI 1.04~2.09、 P=0.031・同1.55、1.07~2.23、P=0.020)。


ウェルダン/ベリーウェルダンの赤肉の高摂取(OR 1.92、95%CI 1.12~3.30、P=0.018)およびHCAの高摂取(同2.22、1.28~3.86、 P=0.005)は、インスリン抵抗性の独立した危険因子であることも分かった。


High red and processed meat consumption is associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and insulin resistance

Shira Zelber-SagiCorrespondence information about the author Shira Zelber-Sagi,Email the author Shira Zelber-Sagi, Dana Ivancovsky-Wajcman, Naomi Fliss Isakov, Muriel Webb, Dana Orenstein, Oren Shibolet, Revital Kariv

PlumX Metrics

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2018.01.015

  • •High consumption of red and/or processed meat is related to NAFLD and insulin resistance.

  • •Consumption of meat cooked in unhealthy methods is related to insulin resistance.

  • •Consumption of HCAs is related with insulin resistance.

  • •These associations are independent of saturated fat and cholesterol intake.

  • •If confirmed prospectively, limiting the consumption of unhealthy meats may be advised.

Background & Aims

High red and processed meat consumption is related to type 2 diabetes. In addition, cooking meat at high temperatures for a long duration forms heterocyclic amines (HCAs), which are related to oxidative stress. However, the association between meat consumption and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is yet to be thoroughly tested. Therefore, we aimed to test the association of meat type and cooking method with NAFLD and insulin resistance (IR).


This was a cross-sectional study in individuals who were 40–70 years old and underwent screening colonoscopy between 2013 and 2015 in a single center in Israel. NAFLD and IR were evaluated by ultrasonography and homeostasis model assessment. Meat type and cooking method were measured by a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and a detailed meat questionnaire. Unhealthy cooking methods were considered as frying and grilling to a level of well done and very well done. Dietary HCA intake was calculated.


A total of 789 individuals had a valid FFQ and 357 had a valid meat questionnaire. High consumption of total meat (portions/day above the median) (odds ratio [OR] 1.49; 95% CI 1.05–2.13; p = 0.028; OR 1.63; 1.12–2.37; p = 0.011), red and/or processed meat (OR 1.47; 95% CI 1.04–2.09; p = 0.031; OR 1.55; 1.07–2.23; p = 0.020) was independently associated with higher odds of NAFLD and IR, respectively, when adjusted for: body mass index, physical activity, smoking, alcohol, energy, saturated fat and cholesterol intake. High intake of meat cooked using unhealthy methods (OR 1.92; 95% CI 1.12–3.30; p = 0.018) and HCAs (OR 2.22; 95% CI 1.28–3.86; p = 0.005) were independently associated with higher odds of IR.


High consumption of red and/or processed meat is associated with both NAFLD and IR. High HCA intake is associated with IR. If confirmed in prospective studies, limiting the consumption of unhealthy meat types and improving preparation methods may be considered as part of NAFLD lifestyle treatment.

Lay summary

High red and processed meat consumption is related to several diseases. In addition, cooking meat at high temperatures for a long duration forms heterocyclic amines, which have harmful health effects. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a significant public health burden and its formation is strongly related to insulin resistance. In this study, both were found to be more frequent in people who consume relatively high quantities of red and processed meat. In addition, a high intake of heterocyclic amines was associated with insulin resistance.