
オルベスコが in vitro で有効だという報告は2020年初には存在し、オルベスコは国の管理下になった。




(2021/08/18 管理者記載)


気管支喘息治療に用いられる吸入ステロイド薬ブデソニドの新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)に対する新たなエビデンスが示された。英·University of OxfordのLy-Mee Yu氏らは多施設非盲検ランダム化比較試験PRINCIPLEで、COVID-19患者を対象に標準治療へのブデソニド上乗せの有効性を検討。標準治療群と比べブデソニド群では罹病期間が約3日短縮したと、Lancet2021年8月10日オンライン版)に報告した。







 検討の結果、自己申告に基づく回復までの期間は、標準治療群に比べブデソニド群で2.94日短かった〔14.7日 vs. 11.8日、ハザード比(HR)1.21、95%ベイズ確信区間(BCI)1.19~5.12)。同様に、SARS-CoV-2陰性例を含めた二次解析でも、回復までの期間は標準治療群に比べブデソニド群で2.54日短かった(13.3日 vs. 10.9日、HR1.18、95%BCI 1.07~1.30)。

 COVID-19による入院または死亡は、一次解析では標準治療群で8.8%、ブデソニド群で6.8%〔オッズ比(OR)0.75、95%BCI 0.55~1.03〕、推定絶対差は2.0%ポイント(95%BCI −0.2~4.5%ポイント)だった。二次解析ではそれぞれ7.3%、5.8%(同0.78、0.57~1.04)に発生した。有害事象は、標準治療群で4例、ブデソニド群で2例に認められた。


Inhaled budesonide for COVID-19 in people at high risk of complications in the community in the UK (PRINCIPLE):

a randomised, controlled, open-label, adaptive platform trial

Ly-Mee Yu, DPhil , Mona Bafadhel, PhD , Jienchi Dorward, MBChB Gail Hayward, DPhil, Benjamin R Saville, PhD, Oghenekome Gbinigie, MB BChir et al.

Open AccessPublished:August 10, 2021DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(21)01744-X




A previous efficacy trial found benefit from inhaled budesonide for COVID-19 in patients not admitted to hospital, but effectiveness in high-risk individuals is unknown. We aimed to establish whether inhaled budesonide reduces time to recovery and COVID-19-related hospital admissions or deaths among people at high risk of complications in the community.


PRINCIPLE is a multicentre, open-label, multi-arm, randomised, controlled, adaptive platform trial done remotely from a central trial site and at primary care centres in the UK. Eligible participants were aged 65 years or older or 50 years or older with comorbidities, and unwell for up to 14 days with suspected COVID-19 but not admitted to hospital. Participants were randomly assigned to usual care, usual care plus inhaled budesonide (800 μg twice daily for 14 days), or usual care plus other interventions, and followed up for 28 days. Participants were aware of group assignment. The coprimary endpoints are time to first self-reported recovery and hospital admission or death related to COVID-19, within 28 days, analysed using Bayesian models. The primary analysis population included all eligible SARS-CoV-2-positive participants randomly assigned to budesonide, usual care, and other interventions, from the start of the platform trial until the budesonide group was closed. This trial is registered at the ISRCTN registry (ISRCTN86534580) and is ongoing.


The trial began enrolment on April 2, 2020, with randomisation to budesonide from Nov 27, 2020, until March 31, 2021, when the prespecified time to recovery superiority criterion was met. 4700 participants were randomly assigned to budesonide (n=1073), usual care alone (n=1988), or other treatments (n=1639). The primary analysis model includes 2530 SARS-CoV-2-positive participants, with 787 in the budesonide group, 1069 in the usual care group, and 974 receiving other treatments. There was a benefit in time to first self-reported recovery of an estimated 2·94 days (95% Bayesian credible interval [BCI] 1·19 to 5·12) in the budesonide group versus the usual care group (11·8 days [95% BCI 10·0 to 14·1] vs 14·7 days [12·3 to 18·0]; hazard ratio 1·21 [95% BCI 1·08 to 1·36]), with a probability of superiority greater than 0·999, meeting the prespecified superiority threshold of 0·99. For the hospital admission or death outcome, the estimated rate was 6·8% (95% BCI 4·1 to 10·2) in the budesonide group versus 8·8% (5·5 to 12·7) in the usual care group (estimated absolute difference 2·0% [95% BCI –0·2 to 4·5]; odds ratio 0·75 [95% BCI 0·55 to 1·03]), with a probability of superiority 0·963, below the prespecified superiority threshold of 0·975. Two participants in the budesonide group and four in the usual care group had serious adverse events (hospital admissions unrelated to COVID-19).


Inhaled budesonide improves time to recovery, with a chance of also reducing hospital admissions or deaths (although our results did not meet the superiority threshold), in people with COVID-19 in the community who are at higher risk of complications.


National Institute of Health Research and United Kingdom Research Innovation.