

(2021/08/15 管理者記載)


年齢層別にCOVID-19重症化リスク因子を検討した研究結果が、「Mayo Clinic Proceedings」に7月13日掲載された。がん、あるいは心疾患などの慢性疾患がある場合、若年者での重症化リスクは3倍以上に上昇するという。論文の筆頭著者である米メイヨー・クリニックのJennifer St. Sauver氏によると、これらの疾患の影響は中高年者に比較して若年者でより大きいという。同氏は、「若者はCOVID-19に感染しても一般的には軽症で済む。しかし、若者なら絶対に深刻な病状にならないということではなく、亡くなる患者もいる」と語っている。






 本報告に関連して、米ニューヨーク大学(NYU)ランゴン・ヘルスのMarc Siegel氏は、「どのような背景因子を持つ人がCOVID-19重症化リスクにさらされているのかを知ることは、パンデミックを抑制するためにも不可欠だ」と語り、患者を重症化リスクで層別化する必要があることを強調し、そのことによって適切で効率良い治療を行えるとしている。


Factors Associated With Severe COVID-19 Infection Among Persons of Different Ages Living in a Defined Midwestern US Population

Jennifer L. St. Sauver, PhD

Guilherme S. Lopes, PhD

Walter A. Rocca, MD

Lila J. Rutten, PhD

Aaron D. Norman, MPH

Celine M. Vachon, PhD

Published:July 13, 2021DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2021.06.023




To identify risk factors associated with severe COVID-19 infection in a defined, Midwestern, U.S. population overall and within different age groups.

Patients and Methods

We used the Rochester Epidemiology Project research infrastructure to identify persons residing in a defined 27-county Midwestern region who had a positive PCR test for COVID-19 between 3/1/2020 and 09/30/2020 (N=9,928). Age, sex, race, ethnicity, body mass index, smoking status, and 44 chronic disease categories were considered as possible risk factors for severe infection. Severe infection was defined as hospitalization or death due to COVID-19. Associations between risk factors and severe infection were estimated using Cox proportional hazard models overall and within 3 age groups (0-44, 45-64, and 65+ years).


Overall, 474 (4.8%) persons developed severe COVID-19 infection. Older age, male sex, non-white race, Hispanic ethnicity, obesity, and a higher number of chronic conditions were associated with increased risk of severe infection. After adjustment, 36 chronic disease categories were significantly associated with severe infection. The risk of severe infection varied significantly across age groups. In particular, persons 0-44 years with cancer, chronic neurologic disorders, hematologic disorders, ischemic heart disease, and other endocrine disorders had a greater than 3-fold increased risk of severe infection compared to persons of the same age without those conditions. Associations were attenuated in older age groups.


Older persons are more likely to experience severe infections; however, severe cases occur in younger persons as well. Our data provide insight regarding younger persons at especially high risk of severe COVID-19 infection.