瞑想状態に入るとα波優位になり、Default mode network が活性化される。前頭葉と後頭葉を繋ぐDefault mode networkが活性化されると、普段接続されていない脳の部位が繋がり、閃きやアイディアが浮かぶという。
山中先生がiPS細胞のアイディアを思い付いたのは、リラックスした入浴中だった。コンピュータや原爆を作り、量子力学の数学的基礎付けを与えたvon Neumannがシャワーを浴びている最中に論文を思い付いたりと、α波優位のときにアイディアが浮かんだというエピソードは世界中に溢れている。
しかし「無」になろうとするのでは無く、AppleWatchのアプリを利用したり、自分の呼吸に集中して深呼吸してみたり、散歩しているときに自分の左右の足に交互に意識を集中してみたり、拭き掃除などの単純作業を黙々としてみたりすることで、Default mode networkが活性化される可能性がある。
(2021/07/29 管理者記載)
学校がマインドフルネスを学ぶカリキュラムを組んで、深呼吸やヨガなどを教えると、睡眠時間が増え、睡眠の質も高まる可能性があるとする研究結果が報告された。米スタンフォード大学医学部のChristina Chick氏らによるこの研究の詳細は、「Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine」に2021/07/06に掲載された。
この研究には関与していない、ワシントン大学の小児·思春期医学分野のCora Breuner氏は、「子どもの成長にとって睡眠は欠かせず、睡眠がこれほど重要になる年代は他にはない。ニューロンの再生や、日中に経験した活動やストレッサーからの体の回復などは睡眠中になされるからだ」と子どもにとっての睡眠の重要性を強調する。その上で、「何らかのスキルにより自分の内面に集中できるようになると、自分が元来持っている力で眠りにつくことができるようになる」と話している。
A school-based health and mindfulness curriculum improves children's objectively measured sleep: a prospective observational cohort study.
Christina F Chick, Anisha Singh, Lauren A Anker, Casey Buck, Makoto Kawai, Christine Gould, Isabelle Cotto, Logan Schneider, Omer Linkovski, Rosy Karna, Sophia Pirog, Kai Parker-Fong, Christian R Nolan, Deanna N Shinsky, Priyanka N Hiteshi, Oscar Leyva, Brenda Flores, Ryan Matlow, Travis Bradley, Josh Jordan, Victor Carrion, Ruth O'Hara
Journal of clinical sleep medicine :
official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. 2021 Jul 06; doi: 10.5664/jcsm.9508.
Poor sleep impedes children's cognitive, emotional, and psychosocial development. Pediatric sleep dysregulation is common, and children who live in communities of low socioeconomic status (SES) experience additional risk factors for short sleep duration and poor sleep quality. School-based training in mindfulness and yoga-informed practices can improve children's behavior and well-being, but effects on objectively measured sleep are unknown.
Effects of a school-based health and mindfulness curriculum, which taught practices such as paced breathing, on sleep and stress were examined in 115 children (49 girls, ages eight to 11 at baseline). 58 children in a community of low socioeconomic status (SES) received the curriculum twice weekly for two years. 57 children in an SES-matched community engaged in their usual physical education class instead. In-home ambulatory polysomnography and perceived social stress were measured from all children at three timepoints: at baseline (i.e., prior to curriculum exposure) and at two yearly follow-ups.
Children receiving the curriculum gained an average of 74 minutes of total sleep time, and 24 minutes of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, per night over the two-year study period. Children not receiving the curriculum experienced a decrease in total sleep time averaging 64 minutes per night, with no changes in REM sleep. Sleep improved within the first three months of curriculum exposure, in a dose-dependent fashion. Higher curriculum engagement (e.g., using the breathing exercises outside of class) was associated with larger gains in total and REM sleep duration. Aggregate within-group changes in social stress were not significant. However, among children receiving the curriculum, those who experienced larger gains in total and REM sleep duration also experienced larger increases in perceived social stress.
A school-based health and mindfulness curriculum improved children's objectively measured sleep over two years. Social stress did not mediate these effects; instead, mindfulness training may have increased awareness of environmental stressors, while developing tools to reduce stress vulnerability.