細菌性胃腸炎の1st choiceはFOMではなく、AZMの方が良いと考えています。
ドイツの腸管凝集性志賀毒素産生大腸菌(STEC O104:H4)感染者65人を対象に、アジスロマイシン療法の排菌期間短縮効果を検討。28日以上の長期保菌者はアジスロマイシン群22人中1人、抗菌薬非投与群43人中35人だった(P<0.001)。アジスロマイシン群の全員が投与終了後、最低3回の便検査でSTEC陰性を示した。
Association Between Azithromycin Therapy and Duration of Bacterial Shedding Among Patients With Shiga Toxin–Producing Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli O104:H4.
Martin Nitschke, MD;
Friedhelm Sayk, MD;
Christoph Härtel, MD;
Rahel Tabea Roseland;
Susanne Hauswaldt, MD;
Jürgen Steinhoff, MD;
Klaus Fellermann, MD;
Inge Derad, MD;
Peter Wellhöner, MD;
Jürgen Büning, MD;
Bettina Tiemer, MD;
Alexander Katalinic, MD;
Jan Rupp, MD;
Hendrik Lehnert, MD;
Werner Solbach, MD;
Johannes K.-M. Knobloch, MD
JAMA. 2012;307(10):1046-1052.
Author Affiliations:
Departments of Internal Medicine I (Drs Nitschke, Sayk, Steinhoff, Fellermann, Derad, Wellhöner, Büning, and Lehnert), Pediatrics (Dr Härtel), Medical Microbiology and Hygiene (Ms Roseland and Drs Hauswaldt, Rupp, Solbach, and Knobloch), and Internal Medicine III/Infectious Diseases (Dr Rupp), University Hospital of Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Lübeck, Laborärztliche Gemeinschaftspraxis Lübeck (Dr Tiemer), and Institute for Clinical Epidemiology, University of Lübeck (Dr Katalinic), Lübeck, Germany.
Context An outbreak of Shiga toxin–producing enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (STEC O104:H4) infection with a high incidence of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) occurred in Germany in May 2011. Antibiotic treatment of STEC infection is discouraged because it might increase the risk of HUS development. However, antibiotic therapy is widely used to treat enteroaggregative E coli infection. In the German outbreak, a substantial number of patients received prophylactic azithromycin treatment as part of a therapeutic regimen with the C5 antibody eculizumab.
To analyze the duration of bacterial shedding in patients with STEC infection who did and did not receive oral azithromycin therapy.
Design, Setting, and Patients
At a single center in Lübeck, Germany, 65 patients with STEC infection, including patients with HUS as well as STEC-infected outpatients without manifestation of HUS, were investigated between May 15 and July 26, 2011, and were monitored for a mean of 39.3 days after onset of clinical symptoms.
Main Outcome Measure
Carriage of STEC after azithromycin therapy.
Twenty-two patients received oral azithromycin and 43 patients did not receive antibiotic treatment. Among antibiotic-treated patients, long-term STEC carriage (>28 days) was observed in 1 of 22 patients (4.5%; 95% CI, 0%-13.3%) compared with 35 of 43 patients (81.4%; 95% CI, 69.8%-93.0%) who were not treated with antibiotics (P < .001). All 22 patients receiving azithromycin treatment had at least 3 STEC-negative stool specimens after the completion of treatment, and no recurrence of STEC was observed in these patients. As proof of principle, 15 patients who initially were not treated with antibiotics and were long-term STEC carriers were treated with oral azithromycin given for 3 days and subsequently had negative stool specimens.
Treatment with azithromycin was associated with a lower frequency of long-term STEC O104:H4 carriage.