
自閉症の人が他人の目をほとんど見ようとしない理由を追究した研究の結果が、「Scientific Reports」6月9日オンライン版に掲載された。

 研究を実施した米マサチューセッツ総合病院のNouchine Hadjikhani氏は、「自閉症の人は一見、他人との対話に興味がないように見えるが、そうではないことが分かった。目を合わせないのは、脳の特定部位が過剰反応することに由来する過剰な覚醒状態(excessive arousal)の不快感を低減させるための手段であることが明らかにされた」と述べている。


 今回の研究ではこの問題を検討し、皮質下系(subcortical system)と呼ばれる脳の経路が関与していることを突き止めた。この経路は、乳児期には人間の顔に関心を示すように促し、後には他人の感情を理解することを助ける働きがあり、アイコンタクトをしたときに活性化される。




Look me in the eyes: constraining gaze in the eye-region provokes abnormally high subcortical activation in autism.

Nouchine Hadjikhani, Jakob Åsberg Johnels, Nicole R Zürcher, Amandine Lassalle, Quentin Guillon, Loyse Hippolyte, Eva Billstedt, Noreen Ward, Eric Lemonnier, Christopher Gillberg

Scientific reports. 2017 Jun 09;7(1);3163. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-03378-5.



Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) seem to have difficulties looking others in the eyes, but the substrate for this behavior is not well understood. The subcortical pathway, which consists of superior colliculus, pulvinar nucleus of the thalamus, and amygdala, enables rapid and automatic face processing. A specific component of this pathway - i.e., the amygdala - has been shown to be abnormally activated in paradigms where individuals had to specifically attend to the eye-region; however, a direct examination of the effect of manipulating the gaze to the eye-regions on all the components of the subcortical system altogether has never been performed. The subcortical system is particularly important as it shapes the functional specialization of the face-processing cortex during development. Using functional MRI, we investigated the effect of constraining gaze in the eye-region during dynamic emotional face perception in groups of participants with ASD and typical controls. We computed differences in activation in the subcortical face processing system (superior colliculus, pulvinar nucleus of the thalamus and amygdala) for the same stimuli seen freely or with the gaze constrained in the eye-region. Our results show that when constrained to look in the eyes, individuals with ASD show abnormally high activation in the subcortical system, which may be at the basis of their eye avoidance in daily life.