ビタミンDとアトピー性疾患の関連はさまざまに取り上げられている。オーストラリア・西オーストラリア大学のKristina Rueter氏らは、新生児におけるビタミンD補給による湿疹および免疫能への効果を明らかにするため、二重盲検無作為化プラセボ対照試験を実施。その結果、ビタミンD補給と湿疹罹患率との間に有意な関連はみられなかった。一方で、一部の対象児について行った紫外線曝露量との関連評価(非無作為の探索的解析)から、その曝露量が多い児では湿疹罹患率が低く、炎症誘発性免疫マーカー値が低値であったことを報告した。著者は今回の検討は紫外線量と湿疹罹患率などの関連を初めて明らかにしたものだとしたうえで、「生まれて間もない時期のアレルギー予防策として、紫外線曝露がビタミンD補給よりも有益と思われることを示すものである」とまとめている。Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology誌2019年3月号掲載の報告。
★いずれの評価時点においても、湿疹罹患率に差は認められなかった(3ヵ月:介入群10.0% vs.プラセボ群6.7%、6ヵ月:21.8% vs.19.3%)。
Direct infant UV light exposure is associated with eczema and immune development.
Kristina Rueter, Anderson P Jones, Aris Siafarikas, Ee-Mun Lim, Natasha Bear, Paul S Noakes, Susan L Prescott, Debra J Palmer
The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology. 2019 Mar;143(3);1012-1020.e2. pii: S0091-6749(18)31289-2.
BACKGROUND : Suboptimal vitamin D levels during critical periods of immune development have emerged as an explanation for higher rates of allergic diseases associated with industrialization and residing at higher latitudes.
OBJECTIVE : We sought to determine the effects of early postnatal vitamin D supplementation on infant eczema and immune development.
METHODS : By using a double-blind randomized controlled trial, newborn infants were randomized to receive vitamin D supplementation (400 IU/d) or a placebo until 6 months of age. Some infants also wore personal UV dosimeters to measure direct UV light (290-380 nm) exposure. Infant vitamin D levels were measured at 3 and 6 months of age. Eczema, wheeze, and immune function outcomes were assessed at 6 months of age.
At 3 (P < .01) and 6 (P = .02) months of age, vitamin D levels were greater for the vitamin D-supplemented group than the placebo group, but there was no difference in eczema incidence between groups. Infants with eczema were found to have had less UV light exposure (median, 555 Joules per square meter [J/m2; interquartile range, 322-1210 J/m2]) compared with those without eczema (median, 998 J/m2 [interquartile range, 676-1577 J/m2]; P = .02). UV light exposure was also inversely correlated with IL-2, GM-CSF, and eotaxin production to Toll-like receptor ligands.
This study is the first to demonstrate an association between greater direct UV light exposures in early infancy with lower incidence of eczema and proinflammatory immune markers by 6 months of age. Our findings indicate that UV light exposure appears more beneficial than vitamin D supplementation as an allergy prevention strategy in early life.