妊娠中の母親がナッツ類を多量に食べていると、母親自身がアレルギーでない場合、生まれる子はナッツアレルギーになる確率が低いことが、米ハーバード大学医学部准教授のMichael Young氏らの研究で示唆された。研究報告は「JAMA Pediatrics」オンライン版に12月23日掲載された。
米国ではピーナッツアレルギー小児の比率が1997年の0.4%から2010年には1.4%と、3倍以上に増加した。ピーナッツアレルギーの小児の多くは、カシューナッツ、アーモンド、クルミなどの他のナッツ類にもアレルギーがあるという。同誌の付随論説を執筆した米ノースウェスタン大学(イリノイ州)フェインバーグ医学部准教授のRuchi Gupta氏は、「米国の小児の8%に食物アレルギーがあることがわかっており、これは13人中1人、1学級につき約2人に相当する」と述べている。しかし、アレルギー蔓延の理由は未だ不明だという。
Prospective Study of Peripregnancy Consumption of Peanuts or Tree Nuts by Mothers and the Risk of Peanut or Tree Nut Allergy in Their Offspring.
JAMA pediatrics. 2013 Dec 23; doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2013.4139.
A Lindsay Frazier, Carlos A Camargo, Susan Malspeis, Walter C Willett, Michael C Young
IMPORTANCE The etiology of the increasing childhood prevalence of peanut or tree nut (P/TN) allergy is unknown. OBJECTIVE To examine the association between peripregnancy consumption of P/TN by mothers and the risk of P/TN allergy in their offspring. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Prospective cohort study. The 10 907 participants in the Growing Up Today Study 2, born between January 1, 1990, and December 31, 1994, are the offspring of women who previously reported their diet during, or shortly before or after, their pregnancy with this child as part of the ongoing Nurses' Health Study II. In 2006, the offspring reported physician-diagnosed food allergy. Mothers were asked to confirm the diagnosis and to provide available medical records and allergy test results. Two board-certified pediatricians, including a board-certified allergist/immunologist, independently reviewed each potential case and assigned a confirmation code (eg, likely food allergy) to each case. Unadjusted and multivariable logistic regression analyses were used to evaluate associations between peripregnancy consumption of P/TN by mothers and incident P/TN allergy in their offspring. EXPOSURE Peripregnancy consumption of P/TN. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Physician-diagnosed P/TN allergy in offspring. RESULTS Among 8205 children, we identified 308 cases of food allergy (any food), including 140 cases of P/TN allergy. The incidence of P/TN allergy in the offspring was significantly lower among children of the 8059 nonallergic mothers who consumed more P/TN in their peripregnancy diet (≥5 times vs <1 time per month: odds ratio = 0.31; 95% CI, 0.13-0.75; Ptrend = .004). By contrast, a nonsignificant positive association was observed between maternal peripregnancy P/TN consumption and risk of P/TN allergy in the offspring of 146 P/TN-allergic mothers (Ptrend = .12). The interaction between maternal peripregnancy P/TN consumption and maternal P/TN allergy status was statistically significant (Pinteraction = .004). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Among mothers without P/TN allergy, higher peripregnancy consumption of P/TN was associated with lower risk of P/TN allergy in their offspring. Our study supports the hypothesis that early allergen exposure increases tolerance and lowers risk of childhood food allergy.