幼い子どもに野菜好きになってほしければ、母親が授乳中に野菜を食べておくとよいかもしれない。「American Journal of Clinical Nutrition」7月号に掲載された研究で、母親が授乳前に野菜ジュースを飲むと母乳が野菜の風味になり、その母乳を飲んだ子どもは後に同じ味のする食べ物を嫌がる可能性が低くなることが示された。
研究を率いた米Monell Chemical Senses CenterのJulie Mennella氏は「乳児の感覚的経験はそれぞれの児に固有のものだが、味覚の経験は子宮内にいるうちから始まり、母親が食べたものによる影響を受ける。母親から与えられる母乳は精密医療の極致といえるだろう」と述べている。母親が野菜を食べると、その風味が羊水や母乳に移行し、子どもに伝わる。それにより子どもが早期から野菜の味を学べば、固形食を取り始めたときに嫌がりにくくなる可能性があるという。
米国栄養・食事療法学会(AND)スポークスパーソンのJennifer McDaniel氏は「他にも複数の研究で、母乳育児により食べ物の好き嫌いを少なくできる可能性が示されている。しかし、母乳育児をできない母親は自分を責めなくてよい。健康的で多様性に富む食事を与えれば、子どもは異なる味や食感を経験して受け入れていき、選り好みしない健康的な食事パターンを身につけられる可能性が高い」とアドバイスしている。
Learning to like vegetables during breastfeeding: a randomized clinical trial of lactating mothers and infants.
The American journal of clinical nutrition.
2017 Jul;106(1);67-76. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.116.143982.
Julie A Mennella, Loran M Daniels, Ashley R Reiter
Background: What lactating mothers eat flavors breast milk and, in turn, modifies their infants' acceptance of similarly flavored foods.Objective: We sought to determine the effects of the timing and duration of eating a variety of vegetables during breastfeeding on the liking of vegetables in both members of the dyad.Design: We conducted a randomized controlled study of 97 mother-infant dyads. Lactating mothers drank vegetable, beet, celery, and carrot juices for 1 mo beginning at 0.5, 1.5, or 2.5 mo postpartum or for 3 mo beginning at 0.5 mo postpartum. The control group drank equal volumes of water and avoided drinking the juices. Mothers rated the tastes of the juices and self-reported dietary intakes at each monthly visit (0.5-4.5 mo). After weaning, when 7.9 mo of age, infants' acceptance of plain, carrot-flavor (exposed flavor), and broccoli-flavor (nonexposed flavor) cereals was assessed on separate days.Results: The timing of exposure affected the acceptance of the carrot flavor that did not generalize to the novel broccoli flavor. A relatively brief experience (1 mo) with vegetable flavors in mothers' milk, starting at 0.5 mo postpartum, was sufficient to shift the hedonic tone, which resulted in a faster rate of eating carrot-flavored cereal than that in infants who were exposed during subsequent months or not at all. One month of exposure had a greater effect than 3 mo of exposure or no exposure. Regardless of when exposure occurred, infants were less likely to display facial expressions of distaste initially when eating the carrot cereal. Over time, mothers liked the tastes of carrot, beet, and celery juices more, but no changes in dietary intake of vegetables were observed.Conclusions: Early life may be an optimum time for both infants and their mothers to learn to like the taste of healthy foods. More research is needed to facilitate the liking and eating of these foods by mothers, which will, in turn, increase the likelihood of their feeding these foods to their children. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT01667549.